What are you even brewing?

Ah, Coffee. You're here because you either know a ton about Coffee and want to see if you agree with us, or you're new to specialty coffee and are ready to find out what the big deal is. 

Well, It is a BIG deal. Allow us to explain.

3 Suns Roasting Company exists to educate and facilitate Brewing Better. : What are you even brewing?

Not only a fun play on words, but an important question all honest coffee lovers should ask themselves.

Most people use coffee. We believe coffee should be enjoyed. Brewing Better means Coffee that is ethically sourced, freshly roasted, and financially reasonable.

Where did that coffee come from?

Are you comfortable with the journey your beans took from the farm to your coffee stained mug? 

Did you know that Freshly Roasted coffee is best enjoyed within 1-3 weeks after roasting?

Drinking specialty coffee from home can save you upwards of $500 a year, and it also supports thousands of farmers across the globe on livable wages? 

We want to transform not only the way you brew your coffee, but how you see it. When you hold those beans in your hand, we want you to see the international trek they took to enrich your life and to support others.

I had spent years telling myself that I would never associate with the type of people who criticized the flavor of cheap, old, stale coffee (Sound familiar, and also self-defeating when you say it out loud?) To me, and many of you, coffee was a tool to be wielded in the morning, and whenever a longing for rest inched its way into my mind.

If it was hot, black, and most importantly, cheap, I would scrape the bottom of that red plastic bucket with the singular motivation: reach sufficient caffeination. 

Far too many cups went cold with this mindset.

The first time I experienced brewing specialty coffee at home is a day I will never forget. It sounds dramatic, but it genuinely changed my life forever. That first sip caused a series of involuntary reactions. My eyes closed, my body relaxed, the world around me lapsed into gorgeous nothingness, and I was gently enveloped in a warm "all-is-well-with-the-world" blanket. My vehement naysaying was lovingly replaced with a humbling, and unknowingly welcomed realization that I had been wrong all along. 

Once you experience 3 Suns Coffee, you'll never let a cup go cold again.